Pain in the back, back, right below

Everyone has sometimes a bad back. In most cases this symptom is not alarming. But if back pain is felt on the right regularly, is to take account of the signal of the body that would try to analyze the causes of the symptom and, if necessary, consult with a doctor.

back pain back

The reasons can be a pain on the right side of the back?

One of the most common reasons that appears pain, pain in the back, on the right side is poor posture or long stay in the body in a physiological disadvantage. Regular that is in the wrong position leads to a compensatory deformity of the spine and improper distribution of load on the muscles that support it. Lack of physical activity, work in the position of "sitting", wrong selection of bedding – all of this you can damage your posture.

Sometimes the pain is right back caused due to displacement of intervertebral discs. The reason for such a pathology can be chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system or injury. If any deformation of the intervertebral discs suffer, which is located in the vicinity of the nerves, the result is a feeling of discomfort.

Pain back pain can point to problems with the digestive system, especially the intestine. Often a symptom that indicates a hormonal imbalance and a violation of the diet. If pain in the back pulling to the right appears repeatedly, you need to think about diet and consult with a gastroenterologist.

If the pain radiates to the back in right, the cause may be kidney disease. Discomfort can also be felt in the front, in the abdomen and under the ribs. The most common cause for this phenomenon – kidney stones or the violation of the outflow of urine. Sometimes regular discomfort and may be accompanied by disturbances of urination.

Back pain right side below, may be the result of obesity. Excess weight interfere with all body systems. In particular, the overweight, the reported excess load of the muscular-skeletal system. The result – a regular pain in the low back, which are usually completely disappear after the normalization of body weight.

This can mean, that kind of pain?

Diseases of the reproductive organs in women — the main cause for back pain

In women, pain in the back, on the right may indicate disease of the reproductive organs. This symptom is typical for inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, tumors and cysts on ovaries. The biggest danger in this case is the lack of bright symptoms – erased clinical picture of "pushes" the patient to pay attention to the appearance of this symptom, and the attention it attracts only the pain to ignore already not working. A woman may think that nagging pain in the low back on the right occurs due to lifting heavy objects or other loads, and do not even think about its real cause.

Pain in the back, on the right side at the top of the can signal about diseases of the respiratory system. If the discomfort regularly, the likelihood of the presence of chronic diseases. Some experienced physicians are able to diagnose the presence of tumors in the lungs and bronchi on the description of the patients pain. Often feels not only the pain in the back at the top, but discomfort in the chest area. Sometimes this pain can radiate to your arm. When severe damage to internal organs can be felt on the right and the left.

If sharp back pain right side is not a traumatic nature, may cause various disorders in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. If the discomfort appeared after an injury, or back was injured in the recent past, a sharp pain is a direct result of this injury. In this case, contact the medical institution and, if necessary, to undergo a medical review and examination, which covers the entire spectrum of modern radiological methods of examination (computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).

pain during pregnancy

What other reasons you may experience pain, syndrome?

During pregnancy naturally pain back

Pain in the back, the right rear after intense exercise phenomenon is a common and harmless. If you regularly feel discomfort, when the work associated with lifting weights or running tilts, you can try simple exercises to strengthen your back, learn that your back in the correct position of the spine. If the pain on the right side of the back is too strong, it makes sense that reduced physical activity and screening for the detection of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Often the pain right back to complaining women during pregnancy. Symptom is harmless in this case excluded the probability of the presence of chronic diseases of the spine and the kidneys. During pregnancy it is important to weight gain in a short amount of time, it is appropriate to change the load on the back muscles, which can lead to a regular pain in the back pulling to the right. Reduce the discomfort, it is recommended to give priority to such types of physical activity such as walking and swimming, to acquire an orthopedic mattress, the wearing of a properly selected prenatal bandage and avoid strenuous physical work.

Why pain in lower back right: treatment

Pain in the lumbar region — a fairly common phenomenon. Research shows that approximately 30% of Russia's adult population suffer from various uncomfortable feelings in the back. According to the respondents, lower back pain are equally often with left and right side. Causes of pain in the back right was not only in the spine but also problems in the functioning of the internal organs. In certain circumstances, that they experienced pain in the back, on the right when driving. In some cases, the pain hurts, on the other acute.

Most of the respondents admitted that when they felt strong and pulling pain in the lower back, they were in no hurry to go to the doctor. What is the reason? Many believed that the pain symptoms do not prevent them while driving. In addition, almost all respondents know that it is for back pain, it is necessary to take urgent measures, and only 15% are not appropriate.

Lower back pain is reason to consult a doctor,

The complexity of the diagnosis

When he came back, to the right, you'll have to find out the causes for this situation. These can be very different. Discomfort is usually accompanied by simultaneous changes in the body. Such changes include:

  • a rise in temperature;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • problems and increased urination.

There may be other symptoms, which allows you to more quickly diagnose the disease.

Causes of back pain are congenital and acquired diseases. Often lower back pain on the right may be one manifestation of the problems of locomotor apparatus.

If a person has acute pain in the low back, this is seen as a pain. When pain on the right side of the back, it might be osteomyelitis. Spondylitis and sacroiliitis in the later stages more quickly recognize, because suffer from this disease, pain in the back, on the right. Causes of pain in right side of lower back is able to testify and malignant processes.

Development of osteochondrosis in sedentary lifestyle

Disease of the sciatic muscle and also indicate yourself when you get a sore back on the right. When this pain accompanying symptoms manifested. In some cases, are the standard:

  • impairment of the General health of the person;
  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • weakness.
the cause of the pain

Often these unpleasant feelings are concentrated on the area of the sacrum. Acute pain indicates injury, inflammation of the sciatic muscle and stretching of the intervertebral ligaments, which is no less dangerous. Patients usually do not believe that neurological diseases causing pain in back on right. The reasons can vary.

This disease can be of different etiology. Right-sided neuritis is often the first time makes itself felt, when a person has pain in the back right. In this case, as with muscle problems, pain often radiates into the leg. Neuralgia is also characterized by a painful lower back on the right. Lower back pain on the right is a symptom of various diseases of internal organs. If the flow of inflammatory processes in the intestine, right kidney, liver, gallbladder, right ovary, immediately begins to pain in the back right.

Lower back pain on the right side it may be a symptom of various diseases of internal organs

The disease, which is often reflected with pain in the back

The first question asked by the doctor to the patient for characteristics of a symptom. For faster and more accurate diagnosis of the disease health care workers need to know exactly how it ached on the right, what are the symptoms and conditions is held to this phenomenon. Nagging back pain may have various degrees of intensity. You must know that if mild pain in the back right, this is not the fact that the disease is not dangerous. Exactly the pain pain accompanied by the development of a life-threatening inflammation of the internal organs and the emergence of malignant neoplasms.

If the dull pain pain in lower back right side, there is a high probability that the degenerative disc disease. An uncomfortable feeling in the back right when this disease occurs due to impairment of the functioning of the spine, spasmodic condition of muscles and ligaments. From someone who suffers from lower back pain, can hurt right in the morning.

Acute and obtuse, arising from the right back pain a sign of acute sciatica. This symptom is usually pronounced and accompanied by pain in the low back, in other parts of the body. The emergence of the cross can be an independent disease. Lower back pain on the right to be of different intensity. If the lumbago, pain in the back above the waist, then it is most likely due to the fact that the man lifted something heavy.

Incorrectly lifting weights loads of the vertebrae and discs increases 9 times

Lifting heavy objects is strictly prohibited in the posture, when a person from the city of angle trying to align. Then on the spine increased load, increases the risk for injury. For lifting weights you need from a squat position with your back straight, slowly straightening the knees. Then you can avoid back pain.

If the plotted above in the area of the kidneys may confirm the assumption that the patient began to myositis — inflammation of muscles. Disease is accompanied by a General deterioration of health. The symptom of pain, may not be so pronounced, what can be said about the dangers of the disease, fraught with various complications.

If the myositis, the muscle between the pain will be more difficult than usual. If the lower back are observed in the beginning of the nagging pain, and then go into seizures, have almost 100 % probability that they are symptoms of a hernia. In addition to this phenomenon, to point the disease can posture and limited mobility. Discomfort above and below the waist accompanied by in some cases, specifically the tingling in the legs. Patients often complain of numbness of the extremities.

The causes of back pain in women: the pathology of internal organs and pregnancy

Women have discomfort on the right above the lower back is often caused malignant and benign tumors. In such cases, it is often the pain and below the waist on the right. The symptoms often spread to the left part of the back — it all depends on where exactly is the body where the tumor is. Stabbing pain below the waist on the right will show pyelonephritis or disease of the bladder. It is accompanied by spasms when urinating.

Stabbing pain below the waist with pyelonephritis and diseases of the ureter often around the character. If the stone is in the ureter, it usually moves down. It is not excluded the option that will irradiate and above the waist on the right, which is much more difficult to diagnose.

If this symptom of the human, watching the darkening of the urine, should immediately contact the medical facility may be in the next few hours would require immediate hospitalization. Pyelonephritis and problems with the functioning of the ureter is often accompanied by a sudden increase in body temperature. Apply yourself any analgesics during deterioration of health can not, because it will further aggravate the attack and will have a negative impact on the kidneys.

Back pain — a common companion of pregnancy. The best option is, if a woman before pregnancy, be prepared for questions that may arise during it. During pregnancy load on the spine increases significantly.

Pregnant women often complain of a variety of localization of the painful symptoms that felt right and to the left.

diagnosis and treatment

Pregnancy is often accompanied by a radiating pain and discomfort in the abdomen. During pregnancy are part of the in the legs, worse when tired or after exercise. A woman who expects a child is in a difficult situation. Any medication it can be taken only in extreme cases, such as external grinding, ointments and warm compresses. In any case, would not the treatment of symptoms of pain in the back and legs, as a rule, and be sure to tell your doctor.